Scalp Remedy Dandruff September 12, 2010

You can use effective scalp remedy dandruff solutions for treating dandruff.

(1) Using Ash gourd – You should take Ash gourd peel and seeds and add them to coconut oil. Now you can boil them for some time and after you can cool it. You can apply this oil on your scalp to get rid of dandruff.

Scalp Remedy Dandruff (2) Using curry leaves – You can use the curry leaves in your daily food or various drinks. These curry leaves have the requisite ingredients of an herbal product. You can also fry these curry leaves in coconut oil till it forms a complete black residue. You can apply this oil to your scalp as it proves to be beneficial as an effective hair tonic.

(3) You can also use fresh fenugreek leaves for applying it on the scalp prior to washing the hair as it has medicinal and cleansing properties. You can also apply fenugreek seed paste on the scalp for at least half an hour.

(4) You can also use the anti-dandruff shampoo for washing your hair. You can use the fenugreek seeds for making this paste. You can soak these seeds overnight in water and make their paste overnight. It acts as an effective scalp remedy dandruff solution.

(5) You can also use rosemary that serves as a scalp remedy dandruff solution. Rosemary shampoos or lotions revitalize the scalp and gives them new life. You can prepare a mixture of the rosemary leaves by boiling its leaves and branches in water for half an hour. It is also used as a final rinse for the scalp and hair once the hair wash is done.

(6) You can also apply a mixture prepared from water and vinegar (3:1 ratio) on the scalp before going to bed. Likewise you can also apply lemon juice and vinegar (1:2 ratio) on the scalp and keep it for an hour before washing your hair.

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