Preventing Dandruff During Winter September 9, 2010

It is widely known that the cold and dry winter weather leads to the occurrences of winter dandruff. The presence of Central heating in your house that eventually dries out the home and work environment further causes problems. The dust and flakes of white in your hair and shoulders comprises of dead skin cells. It is more of a humiliation than a serious medical problem. The winter dandruff occurs in form of smaller and less oily flakes as compared to other skin conditions.

Preventing Dandruff During Winter In order to prevent the occurrence of dandruff in winter, you should select a good dandruff shampoo from the lots of shampoo available in the market. You should check the ingredients that are capable of inhibiting dandruff. You can use a product that has coal tar that slows down the rate of shedding of dead skin cells. You should ensure to wash your hair regularly and massage your scalp gently when washing. It helps in reducing the white flakes. Also, allow the shampoo to act on your hair for a period of 5 minutes so that the active ingredient can effectively acts against the dandruff.

You can use a humidifier at your work place and home that can restore the moisture back into the air. You can go for a cool mist humidifier, as it helps in cleaning and drying of your humidifier regularly. You can take care of your diet as it can go a long way in keeping you away from the dandruff and maintain the healthy hairs. Your diet should have adequate amounts of zinc, B vitamins and certain fats. You should avoid the saturated fatty acids as it contributes to the production of more skin oils in the scalp region. You should try to study your own condition and make note of various things that can trigger the winter dandruff.

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