A Magic Portion November 12, 2010

Flaking of dead skin cells from the scalp is a common phenomenon in today’s world. One out of every three person is a victim to this deadly disease. You may be that one person. Well…if that is so then don’t worry. You can cure dandruff with a magic portion. And that magic portion is “VINEGAR”. It’s easily available and may even be present in your kitchen right now. All varieties of vinegar are useful in healing dermatitis. At least reducing it. Vinegar contains acetic acid which neutralizes the alkalinity of the scalp. Some of the mixtures in which vinegar is an important ingredient are:-

¨      Fill one-fourth portion of a cup with vinegar and the rest with water. Pour this on your head before beginning your shower. Massage and rinse off.

¨      It does smell a bit but believe me there is no alternative to this remedy when it comes to curing severe dandruff. One wash with apple cider vinegar and dandruff gone. For this mix two parts apple cider with one part warm water. Pour the mixture over clean hair. Let it dry on your hair. And wash it only when the smell begins to get on your nerve.

¨      In addition to application, apple cider vinegar can be drunk. It not only cures dandruff but other skin problems like acne as well.  1 One tablespoon of vinegar mixed with eight ounces a day can be drunk four times a day. But before drinking make sure that the vinegar is not more than 5% acidic. Otherwise it may harm your digestive system.

¨      One cup apple cider vinegar mixed with 1/4th cup witch hazel and six crushed aspirins can be used as a dandruff rinse. It has to be applied after shampooing for 10 minutes and then rinsed off.

¨      White distilled vinegar is another variety of vinegar which can be used instead of apple cider. Fill half of a bottle with vinegar and the remaining half with water. Spray the solution near the scalp and allow it to dry naturally. After a few minutes after it has dried, rinse it off and notice the change in your hair.

¨      Here is a method which will leave your hair flakes free and without any smell. You have to mix vinegar with Chamomile tea which helps in reducing the smell due to dandruff. Mix one tablespoon of vinegar to a pint of tea.

Treating dandruff with vinegar once a week helps getting rid of it gradually. But it you suffer from severe dandruff just increase the vinegar is to water ratio in the solution.

Even though dandruff will help you get rid of your white flakes but it has its side effects. You should be cautious while you are using it. Since vinegar is an acid don’t allow it to get into eyes. It will cause extreme burning. Also if you have color treated your hair then avoid using vinegar as it may decolorize them. It is certainly a magic potion if used with care.

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